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Stop and Smell the Roses!

Today, I want to encourage you to take a few moments and stand still. From the moment our feet hit the floor until we lay our head on our pillows at night, our lives are full of movement. We’re busy, so much that we’ve missed or will miss out on some of the most important and memorable moments that life has to offer. And even when we’re sitting still, the TV, IPad, Kindle, the latest technology or SOMEONE is utilizing every space of time.

When was the last time you pulled a chair in the yard and focused on the natural beauty that’s’ around you? A Mother bird caring for her chicks or the wings of a butterfly or the movement of the clouds as they cover the sun or the simplicity of the stillness in the air? These are moments that the prison bound or sick loved ones would do anything to experience again if the opportunity was there.

In this 2nd half of life, I’ve decided to say No to things that I want to and Say Yes to those Still Moments and Yes to Life. And when I say Yes to Life, I say Yes to God! In John 10:10 Jesus told us that he came so that we would have abundant life, if you’re not experiencing abundance, you’re cheating yourself.  Call me Selfish, Say what you Want, but I won’t be cheated out of the things that are here for my eyes to see, my ears to hear or my spirit to feel.  I will Stop and Smell the Roses!

Right Now, This Moment, You have the opportunity, You have the time; take 5 out of 24 and Stand Still! Breathe In, Breath Out and enjoy the Quietness! Empty out and let Gods beauty enter in!

Ms. Ellie’s Girl!

Zephaniah 3:17 “ The LORD your God is  in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”

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