Ladies, today I give you permission to Toot Your Own Horn! You are Gifted, You are Talented, You are Courageous, You are Strong and You have Abilities that the World will never see unless you learn how to Toot Your Own Horn!
Even in this age when we’ve seen women become mentors to the world, (Oprah, Maya Angelou, Queen Elizabeth II, Dilma Rousseff), there are still some that lack the confidence needed to rise up and use their God-given abilities to change their situations and make an impact on others. Trust me, if we were to ask any of the women mentioned above, Did you ask for your gift? I’m sure they would say absolutely not, because to Whom MUCH is Given, MUCH is required.. (Luke 12:40) They came into this world GIFTED!

Today, I USE MY GIFT OF WRITING TO LET YOU KNOW THAT GOD GIFTED YOU FOR PURPOSE. Having confidence in your gift is not you trying to be a MAN. Stop believing that Lie! This has nothing to do with Pride, Nothing to do with Arrogance, but IT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH YOU BECOMING THE WOMAN THAT GOD HAS GIFTED AND PURPOSED FOR YOUR SEASON!
Yes, You are Adams Rib, (Genesis 2:22) But do you know how strong a rib is? Do you know the purpose of the rib? If the ribs didn’t protect the heart and lungs of the body, the body would die! (
Do you really believe that God gifted you for yourself? NO! YOUR GIFTS ARE TO BE SHARED WITH THE WORLD! Even if your world is small, use your gifts to touch those that are around you, your loved ones, your friends, your co-workers, those that you encounter daily. Have Confidence in your God Given Abilities! So today Ladies….Break out of that cocoon, Invest in yourself, Nurture your Gifts, Wake up and LET THE WORLD HEAR YOUR VOICE, your gifts are greatly needed!
Toot your Own Horn! We will never know who you are until you show us!
Peace, Ms. Ellie’s Girl!